Wednesday 30 June 2021

Goodbye OTT, Let Us Welcome Exploitation

While growing up, we used to taunt our playmates in the village. Whenever they would find you eating and ask us to share, we would ask them to hold on until we have filled up our stomach to the extent of overflowing. In English, it does not come out well but literally, we would be telling you that we shall give after we are full to the brim.

It also reminds me of the bullies in high school. On one occasion I witnessed a very piteous scenario. A senior three lad found a Senior one student (Nyongo) opening up his bag of ground nuts. The bully commanded the nyongo to, "fill this bowl of mine with those ground nuts till I smile" The Nyongo started filling the bowl, with a keen eye on the bully to see a smile on the bully's face. This he did until he had emptied his entire bag of ground nuts without soliciting a smile from the bully turned thief. After making sure that the Nyongo had no more seeds as we usually called them, the bully just walked away, he didn't smile.

From the above experiences, you realise how hard it is to please a bully, you understand that it is not a good idea to keep turning the other cheek for one whose aim is to smother you.

In 2018, NRM government introduced a bizarre tax on social media called OTT. This action raised the ire of especially the young educated people but our career politicians were not much concerned. Indeed, Bobi Wine rallied his friends in the music industry, arts and the media but political establishments did not give it much attention. 

In the end, the NRM won, the tax was imposed, businesses crumbled and Ugandans moved on. One would think that this would be the last time government would attempt to ridiculously promote innovation while blocking avenues of Ugandans' interaction with the world but this government never gives a damn.

Bobi Wine has solely opposed OTT as a politician
Today marks the end of OTT charge which was introduced in 2018 and one would celebrate but in place of OTT which affected only social media, we now have a 12% tax imposed on the entire internet. Therefore, if you're this NRM old lad who thought that they were only going against social media and therefore you can use email, they have come for you too.

Silence to the actions of dictators only embolden them to venture into more terror. Never shut eyes to the oppression of the neighbor and never feed a monster on assumption that it will get satisfied and leave you. 

To those who think that Napoleon is always right, together we shall walk to the gates of hell.

To all people who stayed faithful to the cause and refused to pay OTT whenever they could, you're the betrayed comrades in this fight!

Thursday 24 June 2021

I, My Photo and The Mask

Yesterday, I walked into a photo studio at 13:55 to perform a duty of great national importance: to take a  photo, in fact a passport photo. 

After Younger had taken my pitcha, I walked out to enjoy the empty, clean streets since I was told that it will take 20 minutes until the photo is ready.

At 14:20 I walked back into the studio and to my surprise, they had already printed the passport photos. I immediately suspected that something must be wrong since people are not known to keep time on this end of the town.

As I paid, and waiting for my change, I naturally pulled out the photos to have a look. I was surprised beyond imagination.

"Younger, are you okay in the head?", I asked 


"How can you print passport photos when I am in a mask?"

"You did not remove the mask, it is not my fault."

It did not end just like that but after wading through the circus, I afforded a laugh; at myself and Younger.

Wednesday 2 June 2021

Bride Price Derails Gender Equality

Have you ever imagined appreciating someone, then that person calls you to his home, informs you about the nature of gift he wants, the quantity and the time when he needs it; in the process, you hire mercenaries to head your team of negotiators so that your intended gifting does not have to be too costly; indeed because you cannot agree, sometimes the negotiations spill over to the next day until you strike a compromise; all in the name of your wish to gift someone?

It is a long sentence but that is how dowry/bride price sounds to me.

Internet Photo (May be subject to copyright)

Pope Francis is one of my great inspirations; not only as a spiritual father but a wholesome human being with a heart of mercy, kindness and humanity. At the infancy of his papacy, he made a great statement when he said, "Things have a price and can be for sale, but people have a dignity that is priceless and worth far more than things"

This quote strikes me every time I think about the issue of gender disparity in Uganda which is glorified in action but despised in word, mostly in regard to bride price. The question is, why should we pay bride price?

Going by its name, I think bride price is the price tagged against the female when they are being united with a man to form a marriage; either religiously, or traditionally. 

Ugandans most especially women may deny the fact but some parents out there are looking out to their daughters as a source of income in form of bride price. Indeed, some parents have gone an extra of hiring mercenaries/professional salesmen to haggle/bargain the amount to be paid for bride price.

I find it funny that female activists who passionately preach equality still think that it is incumbent upon the man to pay money in order to earn himself a wife and still treat her as an equal in that marriage; it is ironic.

It is high time we manned up and accepted to have the cake or to eat it; we cannot attain equality if one gender is for sale while the other pays. Okay, some people say it is appreciation, but when is the appreciation coming to the man's side?

We have studied with Nabweteme from P.1 to University, we finish school and walk the same streets looking for jobs, the investment from the parents has been the same, why charge me when I choose to marry Nabweteme? Why appreciate her parents and not mine?

Of course, going forward, this is a post I have to hide from my prospective parents-in-law, lest I derail all chances of ever marrying any one's girl from Uganda. But if anyone ever asks why I wrote, I will say that I meant it!

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