Monday 15 June 2020

The Story of Tyuwu-tyuwu and Diluted Milk

Sunday, June 14, 2020


These small, black frogs which seamlessly swim in village water streams? I bet no one knows because you all look to be bred in town on tap water. But that is not a big deal, just try to picture organisms swimming in not so clean water.

Not many years ago, there lived in our village, a man who was very intelligent, and I am told he is still alive. But I cannot attest to his being intelligent any more since I last spoke to him 20 years ago; before I could even turn into a teenager. In respect of privacy, we shall call this man Tyuwu-tyuwu; your failure to pronounce it should be blamed on your primary school teacher not me.

Internet Picture, may be subject to copyright
Tyuwu-tyuwu was a proprietor of a very big dairy project of one malnourished cow and its calf. Well, the allusion to bigness of the dairy is not in accordance with the number of cows but the many customers who trekked to his small house to buy milk. It is said that you never went to his home to buy milk and returned without.

The customers were also attracted by his insistence on selling his milk at half the price of other milk producers. Indeed, Kharende who had 2 Fresians was said to be selling less milk than Tyuwu.

But what we failed to understand was the magic which made Tyuwu's malnourished cow produce more than 10 cups of milk in a day. He insisted that his cow is always fat in the night but after milking is when it looks malnourished during the day. Some people said that he diluted his milk with water and the ratio depended on the demand. If 4 people showed up to buy milk and what was left was one cup, he would excuse himself through the backdoor, rush to the water stream, get water, add to the milk to make 4 so that none of his customers would return home without milk.

One day, one of those "big days", when the town folk returned to the village, one returnee insisted that Tyuwu-tyuwu diluted his milk with water. As evidence, he showed the several "woyakos" which were swimming in the milk to which all people beheld and we wondered how Tyuwu is going to get out of this panorama.

Internet photo(Maybe subject to Copyright)
A sitting of the Local Council (LC) was called the next day after Tyuwu-tyuwu refused to refund the returnee. Now, it was Tyuwu-tyuwu's belief that you should never return money that has been given to you for any reason or other.
The sitting reflected its importance, the returnee had paid the court fees and the full LC Committee was summoned to deliver justice. A lot of discussions, arguments and counter arguments ensued until the returnee produced evidence of the milk with the tadpoles still swimming in as evidence that the milk was diluted by Tyuwu-tyuwu.

Tyuwu-tyuwu conceded to the presence of the small organisms and then, "I am surprised that these people go to school when they are wise and return when stupid. Who of you has never seen woyako in my milk? Put up your hand if you have never seen these tadpoles in the milk?"

He looked around without expectation of dissent. Tyuwu had captivated his audience the way he wanted by involving them. "You see, no one. Even the chairman himself. We know very well that my cow drinks from the stream just behind my house. And it is not unthinkable that many a time when drinking water, the cow partakes in the tadpoles too. Where do you think the tadpoles go?"

Before anyone could answer, he continued with his oratory. "These woyakos when they enter the body, they come out through 2 outlets; the cow urine or the milk."

Everyone in that meeting seemed to nod in agreement apart from the complainant. In anger, the returnee picked the milk and splashed all of it on Tyuwu-tyuwu with some spatters staining the chairman. The returnee was made to pay for damages and the case was closed in Tyuwu's favour.

This story came to mind when I was thinking about so many decisions which are made in Uganda’s parliament against the will of the people!

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